Hello! My name is Laura Corby and I'm the Founder/CEO of Autism Solution Center Foundation, Inc. Over the last seven years working in the field of autism spectrum disorders as both a parent, professional, and an individual with a spectrum disorder myself, I have seen many lacking areas of autism support for families seeking answers and assistance globally.
My hope is to provide a vehicle to educate, encourage, and strengthen the autism community, in an attempt to draw us all together in one loud, strong voice! Sure, there are many differences in opinion on treatments, methodologies, and therapies, yet I firmly believe there is more we agree on than not! Let's agree to disagree in areas of differing opinions, yet remain a solid, cohesive community that moves autism treatment, education, and research to the forefront.
I am also seeking guest bloggers and regular contributors to assist in our new blog and help keep content fresh and up-do-date. If you interested or have resources you would like to add to our blog, please feel free to contact me. It's my belief that the more autism resources available to our community, the better.
I look forward to engaging you all in numerous areas of autism support and education.
Let me also share with you the mission and vision of Autism Solution Center Foundation, Inc. and our Public Service Announcement below, that hopefully will give you a better idea of what's to come! We are excited about the plans to provide autism support to families in need globally, regardless of their ability to pay! Let's all help make this a reality!
Laura Lum Corby, Founder/CEO
Autism Solution Center Foundation, Inc.
Public Service Announcement
Our Mission
To meet the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of individuals with Autism, and their loved ones at No Cost, and share the hope available in Jesus Christ. To help individuals achieve their fullest potential, enabling them to lead productive and fulfilling lives, enjoy personal relationships, and to work and live effectively in the community. These objectives will be met by providing:
- Individualized programs based on specific needs
- Services for individuals with autism and loved ones
- Access to physicians and other medical professionals specializing in autism spectrum disorders
- Providing research based therapies, services and education
- Education about available alternative medical approaches
- Encouraging and teaching individuals to pursue their personal goals and dreams and to overcome obstacles they may encounter
- Building community relationships through volunteer work, public awareness campaigns, and community activities that foster involvement
Our Vision
Since ASC's inception in 2002, our long term vision has encompassed a multi-million dollar facility that is multi-functional in purpose, providing all aspects of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) related services and assistance under one roof and at no charge to families. Our one-stop-shop will provide; education, services, assistance, support, and the camaraderie necessary to navigate the journey through and beyond autism and related disorders.
ASD's are treatable! ASC is here to make sure every family has access to the assistance they need and each individual has the opportunity to reach their fullest potential. Join us as we strive to turn Autism into AWE-tism!